3 tips for better wifi

3 Tips For Better Wi-Fi When Working From Home

3 tips for better wifi

We need Wi-Fi to stay in contact with colleagues and family through emails, video calls and social media. As we are now spending more time on video chats, it is now really important that we have the best Wi-Fi signal we can. Here are a few tips to help your Wi-Fi perform better.

Tip 1 – Reduce the Number of Devices Using The Wi-Fi.

It’s not just computer’s and smartphones on the Wi-Fi now, it’s smart TV’s, games console and even your washing machine. If you can plug these gadgets in with a cable – Do that! Your internet router usually has a few spare ports on the back, so plug in the devices that need a strong Wi-Fi signal. Also, if you don’t use the device anymore, turn it off. We really thought that we needed the Wi-Fi feature activated on the washing machine but turns out, it’s pretty easy to know when it’s finished washing because the house has stopped vibrating!

Tip 2 – Choose the Right Frequency.

This is a bit more technical but no need to panic! When you get a new Wi-Fi connection you’ll usually see that you get two Wi-Fi networks in your house. These end in -2G and -5G. These are two different radio frequencies, 5Ghz is typically faster and 2Ghz is better over long distances. For example, you get your laptop and you connect to the FAST network and while you get good internet speeds in your living room, when you try to work in another part of the house, it just sucks.

For some simple rules try this: For devices that are in the same room as your router, go head and join them to the -5G network. This is for devices that don’t move around like smart TV’s and games consoles. For devices that are struggling to get good wifi signal when you wander round the house, switch them over to the 2G option.

Tip 3 – Other Ways To Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal.

If you really can’t get Wi-Fi in the rooms where you really need it why not try Wi-Fi extenders. Wi-Fi Extenders are simple radio beacons which listen and repeat the Wi-Fi radio broadcasts. The best way to use these is to look where your router is, and also where your dead spot is in the house and then locate a power outlet somewhere in-between the two points. This is great for supporting multiple devices in a part of the house which suffered from coverage before.

TP-LINK Wireless Extender – Great for filling in Wifi dead spots in your house and REALLY easy to use.  https://amzn.to/2J0eh 

Alternatively, if you just have one device that needs to get a really strong internet connection, your best option is to directly run a cable from the device to the internet router. A lot of us don’t won’t wires running around the house so there is an easy solution for this using a power line adapter, this lets you send internet signals over the electrical cables. You plug one into the closest socket to your router and cable it in to your router, then plug the other end into the closest socket to your device you wish to cable in. This device then won’t be on the Wi-Fi, you will be creating a long cable from your device to your router. 

PowerLine Passthrough Adapters – Perfect for stretching a single Ethernet cable to those hard to reach places in the house!

Bonus Tip – Let Your Wi-Fi Router Breathe. 

Your Wi-Fi router is just a simple radio device, so if it is tucked away in a cupboard or under any cables behind the TV, let it out to breathe! Get it out and put it on top as this will also help with your signal. 

These are three simple things that you can do to help you Wi-Fi perform better. There are more expensive and technical options you can choose, but before you do that why not try these steps first.
Got a bigger budget? Go for a full mesh wifi system from EERO (it’s beautiful!)
What are you tips for helping your Wi-Fi to perform better? Let us know on our social media 

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