
SharePoint & OneDrive; The home of your business data in Microsoft Office 365

SharePoint & OneDrive; The home of your business data in Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft is always expanding its software; you’ll often find a lot of overlap between tools. SharePoint and OneDrive being a prime example, they are extremely alike and have a lot in common yet aren’t the same.

SharePoint is a collaboration tool for businesses that require multiple individuals to work on products at the same time, whilst OneDrive is an online file storage platform. Both pieces of software can bring efficiency and productivity to your workplace, each with a unique purpose and approach to help better manage your files and time accordingly.

The simple way to look at this is:

OneDrive is all about you and your personal files. Anything you have on your local device is now replicated to the cloud.

SharePoint is all about the team and department data. Files you collaborate on with other people.


Approaching collaboration, file sharing, and project management in separate ways

Each to their own, both SharePoint and OneDrive are available through Office 365. Focusing on file storage and online collaboration, each platform can provide your business with a host of tools in the cloud.


What are the main challenges, why use SharePoint/OneDrive?

The future of online file collaboration and document storage is upon us. The ability to work on documents at the same time as other team members is now a possibility. Forever an issue and a challenge against productivity, SharePoint allows us to work simultaneously whereas in the past you were required to pass around a file on a USB and keep track of where it was saved in the first place, this ultimately saves you time to spend on other responsibilities.

Another long-term issue has always been data backup, OneDrive has a solution and enables your business to store files into the Microsoft Cloud, giving your team a virtual backup to a host of files and documents. Giving you a second chance for accidental file deletion or worse-case cyber threats.

Sharing files and work collaboration has never been so effortless, combined with Microsoft Teams you can advance your business to the next level of productivity, leap-frogging over the commonly faced challenge of communication, shared access and simple file uploads has proved a real efficiency winner.

Communication between departments and different levels of employees often proves difficult, SharePoint has battled this with a key feature, the ability to create dashboards to discuss various projects and tasks to provide a clear view of what’s to be done, with time estimates and due dates.


How can Cloud Nexus help?

With years of frontline experience working with business-critical data and information, Cloud Nexus provides a friendly, practical, and less technical approach to managing your IT security. Data protection is important for businesses up and down the country, with rules, regulations and compliance requirements needing to be met, it’s vital that your business is up to date and secures information accordingly. With our security health check, we want to prove how just a few changes to your data protection settings can enable your business to gain peace of mind and a much stronger defence against numerous threats.


We’re Cloud Nexus and we’re offering you an Office 365, 50 Point Security Health Check

Built from our experience and also using guidelines from the UK Government National Cyber Security Centre, we have developed a 50-point health-check to assess the security of your Office 365 configuration.

Whether you’re currently using Azure Active Directory, Exchange Online, SharePoint or OneDrive, Cloud Nexus will supply and produce your business a 50-point checklist report.

For each element, the report will show:

  • How serious is the risk to your teams and your business data?
  • Is it Pre-Breach or Post-Breach i.e. before an attacker gets in or something has happened which needs investigation or Immediate action to be taken?
  • What can you do to resolve the issue using the built-in Office 365 controls?

With our report and guidance in hand, you’ll have a full view of the current risks and what actions need to be taken to secure your Office 365 configuration.

Please contact the team today on +44 (113) 539 0192 or

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