
Cloud Nexus join ALLOWLIST

We are proud to have joined ALLOWLIST the online cyber security directory and get to be a member of THE LIST as a preferred supplier for cyber security and data protection. Our clients can take comfort in knowing that we have been vetted, our certifications and qualifications have been checked and we are ranked, rated and reviewed.

About Cloud Nexus

Here at Cloud Nexus, we draw on over 20 years of experience in the IT sector to help the hundreds of businesses we work with unlock their true potential using technology.  We help small and medium-sized enterprises increase their productivity, improve efficiency, and safeguard their digital assets often by helping them get the most of the technology they already have at their disposal.

We know Microsoft 365 inside-out, but we’re often dismayed by how few businesses utilise its full potential.  Why not get in touch and let us guide you through the options that may already be sitting on your PC waiting to be opened.

Please contact the team today on +44 (113) 539 0192 or

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